How to use Photoshop on Ubuntu and other Linux?

How to use Photoshop on Ubuntu and other Linux?

The use of all kinds of open source software throughout recent times is growing exponentially. Even companies such as Microsoft are supporting this type of development. This means that operating systems such as Ubuntu and other Linux distributions are increasingly present.

Many users consider these open source operating systems as an increasingly real and effective alternative to the popular Windows . That is why they start using all this as a secondary system, or even migrating from Redmond’s software. Here you will find a series of extremely powerful and affordable proposals for most end users. Just a few years ago this was not the case, since Linux distributions were designed for a few professionals and experts on these platforms.

But things have changed a lot in recent years, hence the success of distros like Ubuntu itself, which has more and more followers. It is true that at first some will have to get used to the changes or differences they find with respect to Windows. However, over time they will realize that there are many advantages here, starting with the price. In addition, in Linux we find a huge number of software solutions, most of open source , that we can use and that will solve our needs on the PC.

However, despite the wide catalog of titles available here, there are some solutions that we will not be able to use on Linux, at least not natively . A clear example is the photo editor par excellence, Adobe’s Photoshop . This is a program that does not have a version for open source systems like Ubuntu. The software giant doesn’t offer an official installer for this platform, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use it here.

How to use Adobe Photoshop on Ubuntu Linux

It is true that we cannot run the photo editing program natively, as it happens in Windows or macOS, for example, but we can always use the Wine . Thanks to it we have the possibility of installing and using native Windows applications in Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. For this, we will only have to install it on our Ubuntu-based computer to be able to enjoy the benefits of applications that are not natively supported, such as Word , Excel or the aforementioned Photoshop .

How to use Adobe Photoshop on Ubuntu Linux

It is precisely for this reason that we will now talk about how to start this software solution and run programs like Photoshop in Ubuntu. It’s worth noting that you don’t have to be an expert to get this set up and running, as we’ll see now. First of all, what you need to do is enable 32-bit support , since we are probably using a 64-bit Ubuntu and update the corresponding repositories. This is something we achieve through the following command: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386sudo apt update

Once this is done, we have to import the WineHQ to be able to add the repository and download the latest versions of Wine in this case. Also, let’s add the key to our Ubuntu machine : wget -nc sudo apt-key add winehq.key

At this point, what you have to do is add the program repository , for example, in the latest versions of Ubuntu as follows: sudo add-apt-repository 'deb groovy main'

Next, we can now install the application through this command that we show: sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

From that moment on, and through the platform’s graphical interface, we will be able to run programs that we cannot use in Linux natively. This is the case of Adobe Photoshop, among others.

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