How to install latest Thunderbird 91 on Ubuntu and derivatives

install latest Thunderbird 91 on Ubuntu

If you need a complete email client for your messages, see how to install latest Thunderbird 91 on Ubuntu and its derivatives Elementary OS, Linux mint, Pop OS, Linux lite,

Thunderbird 91 is a free email client from the Mozilla Foundation that is easy to set up and customizable, and has many features.

With the Thunderbird client you can download or just access your emails from Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, iG, UOL, Hi Mail, iBest, Terra, BOL or any other provider with SMTP/POP3/IMAP support.

install latest Thunderbird 91 on Ubuntu

In addition, new versions have chat support for Facebook Chat, Google Talk, Twitter, IRC, and Thunderbird lets you add new features whenever you need it through extensions.

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How to install latest Thunderbird 91 on Ubuntu and its derivatives

To install the latest version of Thunderbird on Ubuntu and still be able to automatically receive future updates from it, you should do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal;
Step 2. If not already, add the program repository with this command ;

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa

Step 3. Update the package manager with the command:

sudo apt-get update

Step 4. Now use the command below to install the program;

sudo apt-get install thunderbird

How to install latest Thunderbird 91 on Ubuntu manually or in other distros

For those who failed to install with the above procedure, don’t want to add the repository or want to try installing on another Debian-based distribution, you can get the program’s DEB file by going to the repository page , downloading the package and installing it manually (by clicking twice on it).

But remember! By choosing this type of installation, you will not receive any program updates.

Ready! Now, you can start the program from the Applications/Dash/Activities menu or any other application launcher in your distro, or type thunderbirdor in a terminal, followed by the TAB key.

Uninstalling Thunderbird on Ubuntu and Derivatives

To uninstall Thunderbird on Ubuntu and derivatives, do the following:

Step 1. Open a terminal;
Step 2. Uninstall the program using the commands below;

sudo add-apt-repository repositório -r -y
sudo apt-get remove thunderbird --auto-remove

See too

You can also install the program using this other tutorial:

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