KDE turns 25 and the celebration is already underway

KDE turns 25 and the celebration is already underway

KDE turns 25 . On this day a quarter of a century ago, a young German software engineer named Matthias Ettrich culminated his final degree project with  an ambitious proposal : the creation of a desktop environment for Linux and other Unix systems that was “consistent, pleasant and free »using the Qt library. Thus was born Kool Desktop Environment, more popular today for its acronym.

Since then it has not rained not much, but a lot and KDE has become  one of the most important Free Software projects and communities in the world , although it has remained on the less populous and profitable side of the end user and not so much on that of the company, even though the truth is that the software as such is agnostic and only attends to what its license allows.

KDE thus became  the first Linux desktop environment  and after four major versions in which it has not stopped expanding and improving, in one of the best desktop environments for PC, standing up to and even surpassing alternatives developed by the big companies in the technology sector. But KDE is not just a desktop environment, it is much more than that.

Wine 6.19 and Wine staging 6.19 release

KDE is first and foremost  a Free Software community , hence the project and product names were modified to make it clear. Today KDE is an international community that develops a desktop environment called Plasma, as well as an important collection of applications with which to provide functionality to the desktop, but also to the free software ecosystem in Linux and beyond Linux.

We could continue talking about the past, present and even future of KDE, but it is not a question either because we have been doing it on time since almost half of the project’s life, and we hope to continue that way. So we encourage you to join the celebration organized by the KDE Community with talks, hangouts and other activities. You have it all on the  KDE 25th anniversary page , including some that are yet to be scheduled.

As a curiosity, you can do one of these ‘activities’ yourself, if you want to relive the history of the desktop via virtual machine: you download the corresponding image (at the time of publishing this entry, it has not yet been they have all gone up) and to travel back in time. Although if it is about time travel, nothing better than the  KDE Timeline .

Finally, we leave you with the video celebrating the 25th anniversary of KDE, but not before remembering that the real party will begin in a while, and that is that KDE is going to celebrate such an important date in the best possible way: launching a new version of KDE Plasma (5.23) that comes with important new features. When it comes out we will tell you. Meanwhile…  congratulations KDE !!!

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